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Registry Care Portable
Registry Care Portable

Registry Care сканирует реестр Windows и находит некорректную или устаревшую информацию. После того как устаревшая информация будет удалена из системного реестра Windows registry, ваша система будет работать намного быстрее и без ошибок. Функция бекап/восстановление позволит вам продублировать весь системный реестр Windows, поэтому вы сможете сможете восстановить свой системный реестр даже в случае, если ваша операционная система вышла из строя.

Registry Care is an easy-to-use application that uses high-performance algorithms to quickly identify invalid or orphaned references within the Windows Registry and allows you to repair each problem selectively or repair them all automatically.
With Registry Care you can safely clean, repair and optimize the Windows registry quickly and easily! Problems with the Windows registry are a common cause of Windows crashes, slow performance and error messages. One mouse click and Registry Care does the rest. Using Registry Care regularly, it keeps your PC free from errors and from obsolete, unused or unwanted files.

Clean your system and boost performance
• Search and cleans up unused Windows garbage.
• Boost system performance by cleaning out all missing, unwanted, obsolete and corrupt registry entries automatically.
• Tune up Windows to improve Internet performance, unleash the power of your Windows.

Enhance System Stability and Efficiency
• Keep computer away from registry mess.
• Keep your PC stable.
• Fix registry errors to roar you system at peak efficiency.

Repair your PC and keep it tuned
• Scan and fix invalid and improper registry entries.
• Repair system configurations, eliminates system bottlenecks and prevents crashes.
• Dramatically improve your computing experience by repairing all registry problems and preventing application seizures and crashes.

Easy to Use
• Set in a highly intuitive, attractive, logical and user-friendly graphical user interface.
• Designed for both, expert and novice users.
• Finish all Work with a few clicks.

Размер (RAR): 2,34 Мб
Информация для оссстановления: 2%
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